Monday, April 09, 2007

The British have no balls.

There is no way, on god's green earth, that 15 US servicemen would have behaved with such craven cowardice. In the end, their spineless officers made excuses for them, and they went away clutching gift bags like teenage girls clutching "American Idol" consolation gifts. If those cowardly, disgraceful limeys don't kill themselves out of shame, they have none.

I think the biggest balls in Britain are 6 feet under, between the deceased Maggie Thatcher's legs. Only 7% of their population thought they should have geared up for war when the hostages were bing held.

And their Admiral said those sissies behaved with "dignity and courage". The woman rolled in 24 hours, several men not long after. Maybe the limeys need to read Admiral Denton's book.

The French need to move over, the British are joining them in the cowards club.


Blogger BHCh said...

1. Maggie is not dead. How ignorant can you get?

2. I am ever so impressed with your courage when you criticize what British servicemen did in the Iranian captivity from the safety of your home.

3:35 PM  
Blogger VinceP1974 said...

I saw your comments on the Iranian blog... I thought you kicked butt!

4:42 PM  
Blogger Mr. Smarterthanyou said...

Shlemazl, on #1 you are right, but it isn't the most ignorant thing in the world.

On #2, you don't have to be in a foxhole to recognize cowardice.

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:40 AM  

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