Friday, August 11, 2006

Saltpeter effect

It seems that there is saltpeter in the water in DC, and maybe Olmert has been into it too.

We have idiot liberals singing "kumbaya", and then slowly but surely the supposed conservatives, while they don't sing along, start holding the sheet music for them while mugging for the cameras with a "see, I'm not a warmonger, don't be mean to me" look on their faces.

We need to seal the Syria/Iraq border. Israel needs to go on a no holds barred drive until they can dip their bagels in the American soldiers coffee. Then we need to turn around and drive to the Afgan border right through Iran. Meanwhile, when those shi'its hold pro hizbolla rallies in Bagdad, we need to introduce them to Mr. Napalm. Think about it, 10,000 of the most passionate supporters of terrorism in one spot, waving guns in the air. How are then not a legitimate target in a "war on terror"? By definition, muslims holding pro-Hizbolla rallies are terrorists and our enemies, whether they are in Gaza, Bagdad or even Dearborn.


Blogger MechanicalCrowds said...

pro-Hizbolla people are not terrorists! They are not innocent, but they are not as guilty as the terrorists themselves. You have to make that differentiation.

Check out this article:,0,7685210.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail

11:17 AM  
Blogger Mr. Smarterthanyou said...

When terrorists dress in civilian clothing, and hide among civilians, those civilians who support them MUST also be considered terrorists. Anything else and the good guys cannot win.

7:38 AM  
Blogger Mr. Smarterthanyou said...

Karen, you are an idiot.

Terrrorism isn't a word you can redefine in order to satisfy your political agenda.

You are the enemy. YOur blind hatred of Bush, your willingness to lie, to try to weaken us as a country in order to help your socialsts democrats gain political power is treasonous. You liberals HOPE for failure in Iraq, you HOPE for more bombings, if only it helps weaken Bush.

Your kind supported and apologized for the Soviets, and now you do the same for Islamic terrorists. The only thing those two groups have in common is/was a desire to destroy America. You liberals share that goal, or else why would you support both groups?

9:33 AM  

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