Friday, August 11, 2006

Saltpeter effect

It seems that there is saltpeter in the water in DC, and maybe Olmert has been into it too.

We have idiot liberals singing "kumbaya", and then slowly but surely the supposed conservatives, while they don't sing along, start holding the sheet music for them while mugging for the cameras with a "see, I'm not a warmonger, don't be mean to me" look on their faces.

We need to seal the Syria/Iraq border. Israel needs to go on a no holds barred drive until they can dip their bagels in the American soldiers coffee. Then we need to turn around and drive to the Afgan border right through Iran. Meanwhile, when those shi'its hold pro hizbolla rallies in Bagdad, we need to introduce them to Mr. Napalm. Think about it, 10,000 of the most passionate supporters of terrorism in one spot, waving guns in the air. How are then not a legitimate target in a "war on terror"? By definition, muslims holding pro-Hizbolla rallies are terrorists and our enemies, whether they are in Gaza, Bagdad or even Dearborn.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Open letter to any reasonable Jew.

I am a strong supporter of Israel, although I wonder why they act like wusses sometimes. But Western Liberal Jews? What the heck is wrong with moden Judeism? I do not dislike jews, I respect conservative jews. I love the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms, But I have no respect for liberal jews. They seem suicidal, and bent on taking society with them. Why?

Why are some of the most immoral and prominant athiests from jewish stock? Jews are what, less than 5% of the population? Take a good look at the member list of groups like the ACLU, they are top heavy in jewish members. Find someone defending a child molester, fighting for gay marriage, trying to sue churches. Why do their names end in "stein" or "berg"? Christmas trees must become "Holiday Trees"? The protestant Europeans who created this great country treated immigrant Jews better than any other nation on earth, yet now, like a rude houseguest, they sit at our table, object loudly to our prayers and bitch about the Christmas cards on the wall? Foxman, the head of the ADL recently bitched that Christians were trying to take over the US. Guess what, IT WAS ALREADY OURS!!!!!!

Look at the lawyers and judges trying to destroy morality in the west, they have disproportionate #'s of jews among them. Every second insane legal ruling comes from a judge with a jewish name (am I stereotyping?). How about Gloria Steinham(sp) Gloria Alred(sp), etc. Real fine pieces of feminist ass there. They have done more to turn American girls and young women into whores than anyone else. If you think I am over-reacting, watch the adverts for the "Girls Gone Wild" videos. After your woody goes down, you may ask yourself how they could find so many beautiful but CHEAP girls-next-door. The feminist movement, led by atheists and jewish feminists.

Jews got a bad rap for being so friendly to communism in Europe 60 years ago. The communists didn't exactly appreciate them, they killed them off with as much vigour (but much less publicly) as the Nazis. But look, they are at the forefront of modern communist (far left liberal) movements now. Their own liberal allies don't like them, and they are driving a wedge between themselves and those most likely to shed their own blood protecting them, conservative Christians. The only conservatives that I know that don't like Jews don't like them because of prominent liberal freaks like Ginsburg and Dershowitz.

The most anti-semetic people I know are liberals, yet liberals rely on Jewish votes. How dumb can a Jew be to vote Democrat!!! The black-liberal community is the most anti-Jewish subset of the Democrat party, yet jews support those who support the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse "hymietown" Jackson? This is almost as bad as a black voting for Robert Byrd (D-KKK).

Gun control in Germany was enacted to allow the kristalnacht, and gun control in the USSR enabled purges of many groups, including Jews, yet insanely sheeplike jews support gun control here in the US. HELLO!!!

And we have jews supporting Democrats who aim to stamp out expressions of judeo-christian values, loyalty in exchange for coddling Islamicists bent on converting or killing us. They support those who would drive Israel in to the sea. Heck, sometimes when I hear western liberal jews talk, I hear echos of jewish leaders in 1930's Europe trying to cinvince the Nazi's that "we are good jews, not like those other ones that you want to kill". Is it cowardice? Stupidity? Loss of collective moral compass? Or a collective jewish guilt that long since passed the border of insanity?

Now, we have a muslim world bent on killing jews off, yet the focus of American Jewry seems to not be on the murder of jewish women in Seattle by a Muslim freak, not on a Muslim who drives a truck into a crowd of students, but on Mel Gibson!!!

What the hell is wrong with you people?

I ask again, what is wrong with modern Judaism?

War, negotiations, cease fires.

Name a cease fire agreement that turned into peace.

Name a UN mandate that was enforced to the betterment of mankind.