Friday, September 15, 2006

Democrats are traitors

I am a complete rip-off, I stole this from LGF. The quote is from

"...there are 154 Democrats in the House of Representatives who get a 100% rating from the terror apologists at CAIR. Currently there are 201 Democrats total in the House, which means that a full 76%, more than 3/4's, of them get the CAIR stamp of approval.
On the flip side, there's only 8 Republicans who get CAIR's approval out of the 231 GOP'ers in the House. That's 3.5%.
I can't find where CAIR has issued rankings like this for the Senate, but I think you get the drift as to the sort of politicians CAIR lends its support to.
So what do we say about this? Well, maybe we should consider why it is that a terror-apologizing, terror-connected group like CAIR overwhelmingly supports one political party over the other. It just makes sense that CAIR should support the Democrats. The Dems oppose aggressive anti-terror techniques like NSA call monitoring, Treasury Department finance tracking (which has tripped up CAIR in the past as I pointed out above), and aggressive interrogation of terror detainees. They oppose fighting the war on terror in the middle east. They seem to think that we can hide out within our own borders and just react to terror attacks as they happen."

Now tell me about the patriotism of Democrats. They supported communism, now they support Islamic terrorists. What do these groups have in common with the Democratic party? A desire to destroy the American way. Democrats are traitors, even if many of their supporters are too damn stupid to realize it.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

do it yourself terrorist prevention

How to prevent terrorist bombings with a trip to the convenience store:

When you fly, or take a train, bring along pork rinds, little prepackaged pork sausages etc.

If you see someone who looks like a muslim, ostentatiously pass out the goodies to all the guys around that look like normal Christians. The premise is that if there is a bombing or a crash, the muslim's atoms will be forever mixed up with processed pork goodness. Instead of 72 virgins, they may end up with 72 hags that look like all possible combinations of Helen Thomas and Janet Reno.

Not only would this be a low cost alternative to TSA's body cavity searches, but it would draw out the extremist muslims masquarading as moderates, and the cowardly traitors who masquarade as Democrats.